
Everything has its place

2011 July 8
by Jennifer

The big move happens tomorrow but I couldn’t help but take a small load of the essentials over during my lunch break today.   The essentials, loosely translated, are those few items that were not in boxes this morning as I was leaving for work: a winter coat, a few bottles of wine, and these boots.

Today, I put the first thing where it belongs.  Grinning ear-to-ear, I walked in the door to the smell of fresh paint and marched my boots right to their new home.

Evvvverything has a place.  Do you know how good that feels?  ((I’ll tell you who knows how good that feels–All of those type As who live and die by Real Simple, label their clear Ziploc bags and can think of 101 ways to use a coffee filter.))

Tomorrow will feel a lot like this:

Only waaay cooler, because just some, not all, of our stuff is made of plastic.

I am beside myself with glee.

Everything has its place, now I have mine.


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