
The New Me

2010 June 25
by Jennifer

I wasn’t one of those girls who sent out a mass email after our rehearsal dinner to inform friends and colleagues that I have a new email address with my New Last Name. I didn’t change my name on Facebook on the way to the airport for our honeymoon and I didn’t remember to change my voicemail post-nuptial until a friend reminded me to. I have gradually made those changes over the past year, but there was one thing I was holding out on-legally taking My Man’s last name.

Well, a year and something blissful months after saying “I do,” I finally went through the gauntlet of federal bureaucracy at the Social Security office and the DMV and changed my name. It’s official. I am now legally a [Redacted New Last Name].

Holding out on this detail wasn’t an issue of independence, feminism or equality. There was no thought of hyphens or keeping my maiden name, so I don’t know why it’s taken so long. Well, I do. Taking two days out of the work week to navigate through downtown Atlanta, pay for parking, and wait in line at federal buildings just never topped my list. But suddenly it became important to me to do this and make it official. Although parting with my name- my identity for 28 years is a big deal, and I now have a last name that requires me to spell it out when I make reservations and hair appointments, he is totally worth it. I think this marriage is going to work…

I wrapped my new driver’s license with my New Last Name in a little box and I put it under My Man’s pillow for him to find tonight. Surprises? I’m full of um.

Now by heart and by law I am Jennifer [Old Last Name] [New Last Name].

Overnight, my old stationary and monogrammed towels have become collector’s items.

Let the bidding begin.


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