

2010 July 29
by Jennifer

I had myself a good hard cry last night.

Over a bad haircut.

I have NEVER cried over a haircut but I just couldn’t help it.  The hair cutter took it all away.  It is so stinking short that it hardly fits in a ponytail.  Think Jennifer Aniston in the early 90s but shorter. And exactly—literally word for word—what I told her I didn’t want my hair to look like.

I hated it when I got it cut, but I managed to not think about it. Then things got ugly when I was confronted with the bathroom mirror whilst brushing my teeth. Tears. Ugly cry.   My puffy red cry face made the haircut look worse.  So I cried some more.

I admit that I have judged you girls who’ve cried over something as trivial as a bad haircut. Now I am one of you.  Blah blah blah, it will grow back. Blah blah blah, its only hair.  Blah blah blah, earthquake in Haiti.  Anyone who has been in this situation knows that those well intentioned sentiments don’t really help mid cry.

For some real sympathy I called my sister who was recently injured by the eyebrow waxer (and cried about it). I’ve been there before too—you look like you’re wearing bright red eye shadow for about two weeks until the scabs heal. She consoled me and recommended some vitamins that make hair grow faster.  That’s what I am talking about—sympathy and concrete advice. We laughed about how silly it is to cry about something as vain and insignificant as hair and eyebrows, andthenIcriedalittlemore.

I’ll post some before and after pictures once I get my act together (read: get fresh highlights, tame the brows, put on makeup and a cute outfit to make to make the best of the situation).

Well, the Good Lord sure knows how to humble me.  I am grateful he took away my hair, not an arm…or my legs.

So I think Ill put what’s left of my hair in a stubby ponytail and take these legs for a walk.

Perspective, it’s all about perspective.

2 Responses
  1. CharMar permalink
    July 30, 2010

    We need to know who did this to your hair so they can be avoided at all costs! Although I’m sure it’s not as bad as you think. Miss you, friend!

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