
10 Year Reunion

2011 May 11

I’d be willing to bet that Kate (err Catherine) Middleton and I had very similar nights last Thursday:

  • Crest Whitestrips
  • Pushups
  • Eyebrow tweezing
  • Liberal Proactiv application
  • Toenail touch-up
  • Beauty rest

No, last Thursday wasn’t the night before my internationally televised and vastly attended royal wedding, but it was eve of my TEN YEAR high school reunion.

Let’s take a stroll down memory lane, shall we…

Junior Prom, 2000

And here is a close-up of me and my High School Romance.

Ah, first love.  xoxo.

Ten years later, and clearly back and better than ever, I was too caught up in the excitement of the reunion to take any photos myself.  But fortunately a few of us jumped in the smilebooth at the end of the evening:

It was a great night.

Go Wildcats,

Jennifer  #22



3 Responses
  1. Marie permalink
    May 11, 2011

    Caché really topped the charts with that turquoise number in their Spring 2000 line. Excellent choice, Kennedy! Mine is still in my closet at my parent’s house.

  2. May 11, 2011

    Amazing, Marie. I am laughing out loud. My dress, on the other hand–completely timeless.

  3. May 12, 2011

    Jennifer. I don’t even have to say, but…you know I’m upset. That last pic was NOT necessary, I was much kinder on my post – this is just cruel. I mostly blame the Smilebooth, it hated me – you, it loved…or maybe you just really really loved it…

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