Triathlon Update
As you may know, I signed up for my first (and probably last) triathlon about 3 weeks ago. The big event was scheduled for this Sunday morning. My (Iron)Man, has been my coach throughout, motivating me to work hard to accomplish my goal.
My goal was to not back out or need an i.v. before crossing the finish. So far so good…
UNTIL I got sick on Thursday night. It’s now Saturday afternoon and I don’t feel any better. My incessant sneezing and nose draining has turned to nausea and the worst throbbing headache of my life. Despite many a cocktail of Gatorade and o.t.c. meds, I still feel like crud. The thought of putting my body through strenuous physical activity tomorrow morning sounds like hell just doesn’t seem like a wise decision.
I am genuinely bummed about not being able to do it. Although I have only gone for three swims, biked thrice, and gone for one run—I felt like I could handle that thing. I was excited to do it with My Man, and really looking forward to our sweaty embrace at the finish line. He was going to be so proud of me and I was going to be pretty dang proud of myself.
All hasn’t been lost–and something good has come out of this whole thing. I have a new found love for biking! I love that you can talk while you ride (without too much huffing and puffing) so it meets my need for socializing while exercising. I have also conquered my fear of the paper thin tires on a road bike, and my fear of wearing heavily padded men’s bike shorts in public. Check and check.
I am left with this question: Should I sign up for another triathlon? Doing so this far in advance would mean that I would actually be expected to train for it. Intense time-consuming training does not appeal to me, but I sure hate feeling like a weenie…a loser…a quitter. I can’t quite think straight on this mixture of Sudafed, Excedrin Migraine and Midol (for good measure), so I better wait till my head is clear of these uppers, downers and hallucinogenics before I make any rash decisions. I’ll keep you posted.
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Yes… you should sign up for another. you will love it.
considering it…as long as it includes an overnight stay at a fun hotel…