
Baby Shower

2012 March 19
by Jennifer

On Saturday, a baby shower was thrown in my honor to celebrate the little girl who will join us in early May.

It was a beautiful afternoon tea party-though I think the pregnant girls were the only ones who opted for tea over champagne. (And a little birdie told me that some of those pregnant girls were drinking champagne. I’ll never tell.)

The hostesses served all the ladies the tea time essentials: petit fours, pound cake, crustless cucumber and pimento cheese sandwiches and meringues.

I am so grateful for the friendships and history that were in the room on Saturday. I have known many of the girls since elementary school. And some of my Mom’s friends who came to my shower were at her baby shower when she was pregnant with me.

Each guest came prepared to share an idea about a way I could entertain my future child. Some shared sweet songs and nursery rhymes, art ideas, and wholesome yet educational activities, and others shared games, some of which had slightly manipulative undertones like the Quiet Game, wherein the person who is silent for the longest time is the winner. And a version of Hide-and-go-Seek where you, the seeker, take an extra-long time to find your hiding child, thus providing welcome solitude for a harried mother. I took good notes.

Last time I opened gifts in front of a group was at a bridal shower thrown almost exactly three years ago to celebrate my upcoming walk down the aisle. This time, instead of opening knives, hand towels and All-Clad pots and pans for our future married kitchen, I opened beautifully wrapped gifts of blankets, books, and clothes for our future baby girl. It was surreal to unwrap these precious things and know that one day so very soon we will have a baby who will actually wear them.

A Bumbo, a Boppy, a Baby Bjorn, oh my!

Opening gifts in front of a group is an interesting experience. I tried to open the gifts in a somewhat hasty manner while being adequately grateful, acknowledging the adorableness and thoughtfulness of each gift. Basically, I didn’t want the Jennifer Show to take an extra half hour because I was trying not to tear the wrapping paper. I tore the paper. I couldn’t help myself.

I realize that my voice turned into a high pitch yelp when I opened the classic little girl outfits and the eyelet bloomers that will one day be on her little baby bottom, showcasing her monogram. I assure you that my inner monologue just raised three octaves as I typed that.

I could feel the love in the room for this little one who none of us know but is already so dearly loved

…and who will be so very well dressed.

My heart is likely to burst with love and gratitude for the generosity of the group of women who celebrated with me on Saturday and for those who have sent gifts, notes and prayers in anticipation of welcoming this little one to the world. It is completely a dream to put these little lovelies in her nursery knowing that she will be here so soon. I am beside myself with joy that this is really happening.

Well, it’s mostly peace and joy but there is certainly a little bit of terror/panic in the mix as well.

Thirty-four weeks down, six to go!

(Smiley face emoticon, Spirit tear emoticon, Triple exclamation point)

4 Responses
  1. March 20, 2012

    I am almost 22 weeks along and my baby shower is in May. I am excited for it and the arrival of the baby in July. You look like you had a good time! Glad everything went well and May seems so close now. Congrats!

  2. March 20, 2012

    Fun! I love baby showers! You look great!

  3. March 20, 2012

    How fun!! Everything at your shower was so pretty. You’re so blessed to have so many amazing people to celebrate with (and spoil you). Hope the next 6 weeks treat you well. I enjoy the updates ( 😉 !!!!!!!!).

  4. May 9, 2012

    oh you look radiant!! congrats. i am due at the end of september, cant wait for the shower and the end of the road excitement.

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