I’m finally kicking up my feet after the busy weekend. Our time with My Man’s parents was just wonderful. We were so glad they could leave their serene beach-side life in Hilton Head, SC and make a trip back to steamy, pollen covered Atlanta.
We went to Soho on Friday night for dinner which was just great. Although we had a reservation, we had to wait a bit for a table. As soon as we were seated they told us to choose any two appetizers on the menu,on the house. Who can hold a grudge after free calamari and mussels?
On Saturday night we dined at our house. The menu was titled “dazzle the new in-laws with my cooking skills but spend minimal time cooking because it’s too pretty outside to be inside.” It featured
- Grilled Salmon with a Sweet and Spicy Rub (this is one of our go-to salmon recipes)
- Fancy Grits, cooked slowly with milk and chicken broth instead of water
- Spinach salad with strawberries, toasted pecans and gorgonzola
- Grainy crusty bread from Fresh Market
I didn’t take a picture of the beautifully plated food because I didn’t want the in-laws to think their son had married a nut. They will figure that out soon enough.
All I managed to photograph was dessert. And I’ll tell you these were EASY and delicious and came together in minutes. I recommend serving them warm with vanilla ice cream.
Infinitely Adaptable Blondies
Adapted from Smitten Kitchen
- 1 stick of butter, melted
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Pinch salt
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
Further additions, use one or a combination of:
- 1/2 to 1 cup toasted chopped nuts
- 1/2 to 1 cup chocolate chips or white chocolate chips
- 1/2 cup toffee
- 1/2 cup mashed bananas
- 1/2 cup dried fruit, especially dried cherries or apricots
- Top with a vanilla butter cream, chocolate, or peanut butter frosting
Preheat oven to 350°F. Butter or Pam an 8×8 pan. Mix melted butter with brown sugar – beat until smooth. Beat in egg and then vanilla. Add salt, stir in flour. Mix in any additions (above). I added about a half cup of Ghirardelli bittersweet chocolate chips.
Pour into the prepared pan. Bake at 350°F 20-25 minutes, or until set in the middle. Check around 20 minutes, especially if you like a little gooeyish middle bar or two. Cool on rack before cutting them. Or just eat one right out of the oven. When no one is looking. Then cut the blondies once they cool, plate um up and no one will know.
Right after My Man and I got engaged, his parents came in town to scope my family out celebrate. Here is how my mom, my sister and I felt about the prospect of meeting these people who would soon be family (of course I had already met them but posed for the pic nonetheless).
I can now say with authority that I am truly blessed and honored to share my new last name with such amazing, loving and generous people. We really enjoyed our time together this weekend.*
*No, the M.I.L and the F.I.L. don’t read the blog.** That bit is genuine. Who do you think I am?
**But it certainly couldn’t hurt to sing their praises…you know, just in case.
As I mentioned Tuesday, the in-laws are coming to town this weekend. We are also having some of our best friends stay with us on Sunday night. It is going to be a busy and wonderful weekend for this hostess with the mostess. My to-do list must-do list yesterday was a mile long:
- hit the grocery
- freshen the sheets on the guest bed
- plan the menu for the weekend
- finish my DIY project so we have somewhere to sit for dinner
- clean the house and make it sparkle
Yesterday I did absolutely none of it. Instead I decided to clean out the bedroom closet and my chest of drawers and change over my clothes from winter to summer. Productive? Yes, very. Necessary to do before our guests come? Absolutely not.
The most interesting find was these bulky old school tennis panties, complete with dual ball pockets.
I have lived in four different houses in the past two years and apparently these jewels have made every Goodwill sweep, closet clean-out and cross-country move. Very interesting because I can’t recall ever wearing them. Maybe I was saving them for some sort of 80’s Tennis theme party? Unfortunately, the theme party invites have decreased significantly since college, but you never know what might come up.
I made a huge pile of clothes and shoes for Goodwill that now sits in our entry hall to welcome our guests.
But hey, at least my cute summer tank tops are neatly folded easy to find and I know what I am wearing for our anniversary…
This weekend, for the first time since we have been married, My Man’s parents are coming to Atlanta for a visit. Friday night we are going out for dinner with my parents and his. On Saturday night his parents will come to our little house for the first time and we will have dinner together here at our home. I fully intend to roll out the red carpet.
And by rolling out the red carpet I mean fixing this situation so that my sweet little mother-in-law doesn’t have to eat on the floor:
We’re going to the beach in a few weeks (applause!) and between now and then it is essential to acclimate our bodies to the copious amounts of seafood that we will eat whilst on vacation. It is a lot like building up your base tan before a lot of time in the sun.
I had been eyeing this recipe for Baked Shrimp with Tomatoes and Feta in Ellie Krieger’s cookbook for a while now because it had a delicious looking picture, and I knew this would be just what we needed to get us in the seaside state of mind. Note to cookbook authors, I am 99% more likely to cook a recipe that has a glossy photo of the finished product. Look, can you blame me?
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 medium onion, diced (about 1 1/2 cups)
- 2 cloves garlic, minced (about 2 teaspoons)
- 1 (14.5-ounce) cans diced tomatoes, with their juices
- 1 (14.5-ounce) cans of no-salt-added diced tomatoes, with their juices
- 1/4 cup finely minced fresh flat-leaf parsley
- 1 tablespoon finely minced fresh dill I omitted it because I’m on the fence about that particular herb
- 1 1/4 pounds medium shrimp, peeled and deveined
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
- 2/3 cup crumbled feta cheese (about 3 ounces)
Preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
Heat the oil in an oven proof skillet over a medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for 1 minute. Garlic burns really fast so keep an eye on it. Burnt garlic tastes like shoes and you don’t want that.
Add the tomatoes and their juices and bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to medium-low and let simmer for about 8 minutes, or until the tomato juices thicken.
Remove from the heat. Stir in the parsley, dill (if that’s your thang), and shrimp and season with salt and pepper.
Sprinkle the feta over the top. Bake until the shrimp are cooked through and cheese melts, about 10-12 minutes. I used the time to catch up on my current events.
Here is the finished product fresh out of the oven.
Victory is mine.
This recipe feeds about four. I used my magic to turn the leftovers into a delightful pasta sauce, but it would also be great over couscous. This recipe was simple and delicious and now I feel ready for whatever shellfish might come my way on vacation. Now I just need to work on the base tan.*
*See shockingly pale girl in photograph** above.
**Wishing the free Photoshop had a tanning edit button. It might be worth upgrading to the deluxe version.
On the outside of marriage looking in, I thought that I wouldn’t mind if my future husband had to travel a bit for work. I have always appreciated time to myself so I thought I would really like, nay look forward to those days every so often when my oneandonly has to travel for business. I was wrong.
My Man has traveled a fair amount for work over the past year and he happened to be out of town for a few nights last week. Sure this gives me the chance to watch my guilty pleasure DVR shows that I am certain he would neither enjoy nor respect me for watching.
And it also provides me the opportunity to experiment in the kitchen in attempt to turn chickpeas into homemade falafel, something I’m sure he wouldn’t enjoy as much as I did. (Click here for recipe)
But as soon as dinner and the evening entertainment come to an end the missing him really begins. All of the sudden I hear suspicious noises that I would never notice if he were at home. I get far less sleep than I do when he is here. I stay up much later than I would because my heightened paranoia leaves me unable to fall asleep easily, and I wake up earlier than my alarm because I am so relieved that I made it through the night unharmed.
But it’s not just the sleep. There is no one there to help me on my crosswords so I have no chance completing a puzzle with any sports or geographical clues. And although we had a long-distance relationship in our dating days, catching up and saying goodnight on the phone just doesn’t cut it anymore. I also have to sleep in socks because he is not on the other side of the bed, so kind to warm up my chronically cold feet.
So naturally on night three I packed up and headed to my parents house for a sleepover.
How could I resist a soak their cozy guest bathtub?
And a cereal buffet that dreams are made of?
And the fun that can be had in a mirrored room with a stereo?
And who could say no to an evening with these two?
Wait- here is a better picture. What, your parents don’t wear coordinating plaid outfits on Christmas Eve?
Time well spent.
Soon enough My Man came back home where he belongs. We caught up on the past few days in person, finished up that crossword, and I didn’t have to sleep in socks. For these and so many other reasons, I’m glad he’s back.
I work for a consulting firm here in Atlanta. Because our company is small and many of our clients live elsewhere, I occasionally get to work from home. Positively ideal. I love working from home, it saves me time on my commute and I get to work in the comfort of my own home all day!
That means I can hop out of bed, put on cozy clothes, toss my hair into a messy bun and get down to business comfortably.
It allows me to take a break from working to go to the bank, the post office, Kinko’s, and the emissions inspector during off-peak hours.
The downside? Realizing I did all of that with my pants on inside out and with green skin medicine on my face.
I suppose most people who work in an office take a moment to look in the mirror before heading out the door.
No wonder everyone was being so nice to me.
What did we do to deserve this? Ben&Jerry’s free cone day and Starbucks free pastry day? The. Same. Day. There is going to be complete pandemonium in the streets tomorrow.
I might not be able to sleep tonight. It’s like Christmas Eve.
I know I’m not the only one that went through a serious Lurlene McDaniel phase around 5th grade. Instead of Sweet Valley High and The Babysitters Club on my bedside table, I had Somewhere Between Life And Death, Too Young To Die, She Died Too Young, Sixteen and Dying, and the timeless classic Six Months To Live.
See the common theme? Terminal illness, tragedy, death and dying. My parents expressed concern. Certainly the suspense and the dramatic plots pulled me in, but so did the lists of symptoms that these previously healthy tweens experienced in route to their tragic diagnosis-symptoms for illnesses I might have and not even know it.
These days, instead of reading about heart-wrenching illness in the new Lurlene McDaniel books (yes, she’s still at it!), I indulge my paranoia on Web MD.
Web MD Symptom Checker -fueling the fantastical self-diagnosis of hypochondriacs everywhere.
A few months ago I had unexplained pain in my back. Naturally, I jumped on WebMD for a little self-diagnosis.
Drowsiness? Yes
Headache? Yes
Numbness in toes? Yes
Cold hands and feet? Always
I was convinced that I had Kidney Disease so I began looking at treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease. However, a quick visit to the doctor’s office debunked my diagnosis and confirmed that I had a lightly strained muscle in my back and an unhealthy relationship with WebMD. I blame this woman for encouraging my inner hypochondriac.
My childhood infatuation for tragic literature has translated into an adulthood where romance novels like The Time Travelers Wife and those by Nicholas Sparks just don’t hold my attention. Of course I breeze through disturbing and heartbreaking books like Push and The Lovely Bones.
So it’s time for a new bedside read. Does anyone have any recommendations? All I ask is for truth, tragedy, misfortune or scandal.
Celebrity endorsements are the oldest trick in the marketing book, and even I am guilty of collapsing under the pressure a time or two. Yes, I own Proactiv, thanks to the dramatic results demonstrated by the clear skin on Jessica Simpson and Jennifer Love Hewitt. And the incredible before (angry and hoss-like) and after (lean and happy) of Daisy Fuentes had me on the phone with an operator buying Mari Windsor’s Pilates DVD—my first and ONLY infomercial purchase to date. It was a weak moment circa my senior year of college, the morning after a big night out on the town, lying in bed with guilt, Gatorade and Advil ifyouknowwhatImean). In the interest of full disclosure, yes I own a Magic Bullet but I did not buy it from the infomercial, although the infomercial certainly sealed the deal.
So naturally I was putty in Tracy Anderson’s hands when I read Gwyneth Paltrow’s rave review of this workout routine that has dramatically changed her body. As seen on Oprah a few years ago, Madonna is also a proud member of Tracy’s fitness cult, as are Courtney Cox and Kristin Davis. Sold! Now I am not in the market for a complete body change, but I simply couldn’t resist the promise of “long lean muscles and a thin physique” and “amazing results I never thought were possible.” Needless to say I threw the Tracy Anderson Method Mat Workout DVD in my Amazon cart and proceeded to check out.
According to Tracy, “This Mat video is very dear to me because it is the first time I have ever released my muscular structure work to the public. The purpose of this video is to re-engineer your muscular structure, wake up your accessory muscles, pull in your larger muscles and shift your shape into something that you never knew you could achieve.”
Here is a sample of Tracy’s Method:
I was excited to pop that baby in and get on the road to long lean muscles. The hour-long workout goes like this: warm-up, standing legs, standing abs, standing arms, standing arms with weights, mat legs, mat abs then a cool-down. The leg series is very ballet-ish. The arm series is unbelievably painful but productive; I can see how it would get great results if you can tolerate the repetition and the pain. The DVD is one hour long and I felt every minute of it. Every exercise was done multiple times for countless repetitions, made worse by the fact that Tracy doesn’t tell you how many to expect so they seem to go on and on. and on. and on. Stick your arms straight out to the side. Now hold them there and twist your hands in small circles for 20 minutes. I just saved you $29.95.
Tracy claims that a woman should never, I repeat NEVER lift more than three pound weights because those add bulk which eventually leads to wobbly floppy skin on the arms, a.k.a. “bat wings.” She said this with the conviction and the insistence often seen in anti-drug campaigns. As if lifting weights over three pounds is the equivalent to taking a hit of the crack pipe or driving drunk. I admit that I looked at my beloved Jillian DVD and almost resented her for encouraging me to lift heavy weights. Almost. It turns out that the whole “bulking” thing is a total myth!! Do you think Tracy has someone else carry her groceries?
The Pros: I felt the burn! My arms and hiney were sore the next day so apparently my time was well spent. Tracy’s music was much better than your average workout DVD soundtrack. Dancers might like this workout. It made me feel graceful. I have the same personal trainer as Madonna!
The Cons: The hour went by painfully slow. It felt like I was back in high school biology where I watched the clock and felt the passing of every second. I didn’t connect with Tracy. I can’t bring myself to do the routine again for fear of falling asleep mid workout and/or throwing something at the television. I hate disagreeing with Gwyneth Paltrow.
In conclusion, this DVD didn’t do it for me and I don’t foresee it becoming part of my rainy day workout rotation. My expectations were high and I really wanted to fall in love with Tracy and her Method but it didn’t happen. I am, however, willing to give Tracy and her countless celebrity endorsers the benefit of the doubt. This mat workout was the first DVD Tracy released and I bet Tracy has enhanced her Method since then. I would be willing to try another DVD from the newer series, but someone else would have to give it to me as a gift. And a workout DVD given as a gift usually insults the gift recipient.
To wrap up this rather lengthy review, I will share one of my favorite commercials featuring a celebrity endorsement. Wanna be like Mike? Just drink Gatorade.
I blame my upbringing have to thank my parents for that. One of the first times My Man had dinner with my family in our dating days, we ordered a simple take-out meal from Willy’s—Atlanta’s version of Moe’s or Chipotle. He thought that we would just get home, plate it up and enjoy. He was way off. The salads and burritos were really just a blank canvas for creation. The refrigerator opened and out came three different kinds of salsa, salad dressings, cheese dip, sour cream and other enhancements. After thirty minutes of “doctoring up,” dinner was served. It’s not high maintenance, its good taste.
I have always been a bit of a condiment connoisseur, having numerous types of salsa, mustards and salad dressings on hand and I am always on the lookout for something new. Here are some of my favorite refrigerator staples:
Guiltless Gourmet Black Bean Dip (Medium). We love this dip around here. It is great with chips and salsa, with veggies in place of or in addition to hummus, and it makes a nice complement to a taco salad.
Trader Joe’s Champagne Pear Vinaigrette. This dressing was the star of my Grapefruit Avocado salad and goes really well on so many different salads. Although it is not overly sweet, sometimes I add a little balsamic vinegar to cut the sweetness if I’m in the mood. It lives in the refrigerator section of the store–not the dressing aisle. Try it. You’ll like it or your money back, guaranteed.
Costco Balsamic Vinegar. Balsamic vinegar is like wine and olive oil insofar as taste, quality and prices are all over the place. A cheap balsamic, like a bad cheap wine, can taste like astringent gasoline. Believe it or not, the “Kirkland Signature” variety is absolutely fabulous and as good if not better than her more expensive cousins at Williams-Sonoma and other gourmet varieties. It is thick and is good enough to stand alone as dressing on a salad. I use this in everything, I add a splash to my homemade jacked up store-bought marinara, or reduce it and pour it over salmon or strawberries. Buy some. Drink it out of a wine glass.
Gulden’s Mustard and Heinz 57 Ketchup. Of course, no condiment list would be complete without mustard and the king of condiments, Heinz 57 Ketchup. If I had to pick one mustard (but really, what kind of evil person would make me choose just one!), it would be the classic Gulden’s. Just spicy enough and a great compliment to Ketchup or BBQ sauce. Onto Ketchup! Now I know we are all trying to eliminate high fructose corn syrup in our diets these days, but when it comes to Ketchup there is no substitute for the 57. I was on an organic kick a few months ago and I bought organic Ketchup, made with real sugar instead of HFCS. It is just not the same and the nearly full bottle is still in our refrigerator where it will stay until I don’t feel guilty throwing it away give it away.
George’s Restaurant, our local hamburger bar serves their “famous” burgers with Hunts Ketchup and yellow mustard. Confusing, I know. And an insult to all of the work that goes into their delicious bunned creations.
POP QUIZ!!! SAT Prep question in the form of an analogy:
Heinz 57: Hunts
A) Diet Coke: Diet Rite
B) Moët et Chandon: Andres Champagne
C) Charmin Ultra: printing paper
D) Manolo Blahnik: Easy Spirit
E) All of the Above
If you answered E) all of the above, treat yourself to a sweet potato fry, scrambled eggs or finger dipped in the real ketchup.
So that’s my quick list of condiment hits. I could go on and on and this very well might be a two part post (fascinating!).
What’s on your list?
I am a salad lover so I am always combining new ingredients, flavors and textures to create the perfect mix. This salad has been a favorite of mine this winter since grapefruits and avocados are in season and on sale. The key to this salad is Trader Joe’s Champagne Pear Vinaigrette with Gorgonzola. It is such a delicious and versatile dressing and sure to become a staple. It is sweet and tart with a hint of gorgonzola, just the right amount to complement the dressing’s flavor without overwhelming it. The nutritional stats aren’t bad either. If you can’t make the trip to Trader Joe’s, I think a good balsamic or red wine vinaigrette work out just fine. I also use Trader Joe’s Sweet and Spicy Pecans or Candied Walnuts on this salad, but any toasted or seasoned variety would be great.
Grapefruit Avocado Salad
Spinach or mixed greens
Big Grapefruit, peeled, seeded and sectioned
Dried cherries or cranberries
Ripe Avocado, diced and seasoned with S&P
Walnuts or Pecans (seasoned or toasted)
Crumbled Gorgonzola
Trader Joes Champagne Pear Vinaigrette with Gorgonzola
Combine the ingredients as you wish, in the ratio of your choosing. Express yourself. Top with a sprinkle of gorgonzola and vinaigrette. Enjoy!
Substitutions and Suggestions
No grapefruit? Use sliced pears or apples.
Can’t stand the smell of Gorgonzola? Try feta or goat cheese.
Wanna make a meal out of it? Add some grilled salmon.
Hate salad? Find a different recipe or omit lettuce.
OK Go: Taking MouseTrap to a Whole New Level
You may remember the band OK Go from their creative video featuring the gang on treadmills.
Well they are at it again with the new video for their song “This Too Shall Pass.” The video is incredible and the song is not bad either. In fact I have grown rather fond of it after watching the video a few times.
They have taken the game Mousetrap to infinite heights.
Are music videos eligible for the Oscar’s “short film” category? If so OK Go has my vote.
Dinner Tonight: Simple Southwestern Soup
Rotisserie Chicken is probably on my top ten list of favorite foods. Costco happens to make the very best if you ask me, and in true Costco form they are larger and less expensive than anywhere else. We had the chicken straight up for dinner this weekend but had some leftover. My dad says that good leftovers are like money in the bank. I agree.
I used a Real Simple recipe as my jumping off point for this soup but made a few additions. Using the shredded rotisserie chicken adds tons of extra flavor and makes the dish come together in a snap.
Simple Southwestern Chicken Soup
½ of a large white or yellow onion, chopped
1 teaspoon minced garlic
1 16-ounce jar salsa verde
3 cups cooked and shredded chicken
1 15-ounce can cannellini beans, drained
3 or 4 cups chicken broth-depending how soupy you like your soup
1 generous teaspoon ground cumin
Pinch cayenne pepper
Toppings to jazz it up:
Sour cream or plain Greek yogurt
Tortilla chips
Chopped green onions
In a large saucepan, cook the diced onion on medium-high heat for about 3 minutes or until just tender. Add garlic and cook for another minute or so. Empty the salsa into the pot. Cook for 2 minutes over medium-high heat, then add the chicken, beans, broth, cayenne and cumin. Bring to a boil, lower heat to a simmer, and cook for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.
Top each bowl with whatever you like—a sprinkling of onions, a dollop of sour cream, or some tortilla chips. Then get comfortable with your warm bowl of soup and watch Modern Family tonight on ABC.
I’m excited about the band Local Natives. Their first album Gorilla Manor was just released. I love their multipart harmonies and the way their songs seem to build momentum as they play. Take a listen to their song “World News.” This live recording isn’t the best, but you’ll get the idea and a feel for the group. And here is another, the tune “Sun Hands.”
Here are their recently announced tour dates in case you are interested in seeing them live:
04-20 Tucson, AZ – Solar Culture
04-22 Dallas, TX – The Cavern
04-23 Austin, TX – Emo’s Inside
04-24 Houston, TX – Mango’s
04-26 Little Rock, AR – Sticky Fingerz Chicken Shack
04-27 Haittesburg, MS – Thirsty Hippo
04-29 St. Augustine, FL – Cafe 11
04-30 Nashville, TN – The Basement
05-01 Atlanta, GA – Masquerade
05-04 Chapel Hill, NC – Local 506
05-05 Washington, DC – DC 9
05-06 New York, NY – Bowery Ballroom
05-07 Philadelphia, PA – Kung Fu Necktie
05-08 Allston, MA – Great Scott
05-10 Pontiac, MI – Crofoot-Pike Room
05-11 Cleveland, OH – Beachland Ballroom
05-12 Columbus, OH – The Basement
05-14 Chicago, IL – Schubas
05-15 Rock Island, IL – Rock Island Brewing Company
05-18 Iowa City, IA – The Mill
05-19 Columbia, MO – Mojo’s
05-21 Denver, CO – Larimer Lounge
05-22 Salt Lake City, UT – Kilby Court
05-25 Spokane, WI – Empyrean
05-26 Boise, ID – Neurolux
05-27 Portland, OR – Mississippi Studios
05-30 Seattle, WA – Sasquatch
06-03 San Francisco, CA – Bottom of the Hill
06-10 Manchester, TN – Bonnaroo
Have a great Sunday.
You know you are becoming a grown up when:
You get really excited about this delivery from amazon.com
You have this in your pantry
You donate money to
Your DVR records
And you have a subscription to
BUT you know you are not quite there yet when:
Your DVR also records
You were psyched to see these (finally!) on sale at Whole Foods
A recent playlist looked a lot like this:
You put these on the second you take off your work shoes heels:
And you put this on your Outlook calendar
So I suppose I still have a way to go. Thank goodness.

Tasty Tuesday: Ginger Garlic Fish in Parchment
Cooking in parchment is a method I have always been curious to try. So I did. And it was delicious. It is a really healthy way to cook fish and cleanup is a breeze. Try this basic recipe and add your own touch—spinach or bok choy, red peppers and other vegetables could be roasted in the same packet and would make a delicious addition to this quick and healthy meal. Enjoy!
Ginger Garlic Fish in Parchment
- Parchment paper
- 2 thick portions cod or sea bass
- Salt and pepper
- 1 bunch scallions, cut into 3-inch pieces
- 1/2 pound shiitake mushrooms or other non-button variety, stemmed and sliced
- 3 inch knob ginger, peeled and super thinly sliced or grated
- 3 garlic cloves, peeled and thinly sliced or grated
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 2 tablespoons rice wine vinegar
- 3 tablespoons tamari or reduced sodium soy sauce
Preheat oven to 375 degrees
Rip off 2 generous pieces of parchment to form packets each about 12-inches long. Season fish with salt and pepper. Place a piece of parchment in a shallow dish then in the center of the paper stack 1/2 of the scallions and mushrooms, layer with slices of ginger and garlic and top with fish. Combine the honey, vinegar and tamari and pour 1/3 of the sauce over each fish filet. Fold over the top of the parchment then roll the sides in to form a sealed pouch—or feel free to fold then staple if your rolling isn’t working. Repeat with remaining parchment and other piece of fish. Arrange the pouches on a baking sheet and roast in hot oven for about 15 minutes or so, depending on the thickness of your fish filets (ours were thick!). Remove from parchment and top with remaining sauce. Serve with brown rice or quinoa. Devour.
For two short weeks once every four years, athletes from around the world, that you have never heard of compete against each other in sports that are rarely televised with abstract scoring systems in questionable spandex outfits. And NBC has mastered the art of making us give a damn.
The Network has me wrapped around their pinkie finger as they take me on an emotional roller coaster ride of stories, heartaches, injuries, flashbacks, thrilling victories and agonizing defeats. And I am loving every minute.
Some professional athletes (i.e. pro basketballas and footballahs) act so entitled. Their celebrity has often gone to their heads and they sometimes seem like they love the money and the fame more than the game. But these Olympians are true lovers of their sport, work harder than I can imagine, and more times than not they don’t expect Gatorade or xBox to knock on the door with a lucrative endorsement deal. In fact, as NBC likes to remind us, there is often not much if any money in this at all. Athlete’s families often have to make tremendous financial sacrifices just to pay for skating lessons and ski coaches.
I continue to be in awe of these athletes and how truly present they are. They are all so proud and humbled to be among the worlds best and are absolutely soaking in the whole experience–and maintained great attitudes even though they had to wear this at the opening ceremonies:
Not much of an improvement from these duds the athletes in Beijing were required to wear.
And then there is the speed skater who got a skate to the thigh an inch away from splitting his artery. They thought he would never skate again, but look who took home the bronze.
It has not been all victory speeches and piano music over sepia toned fairy tales of overcoming adversity and triumphing against the odds. The death of the luger in the practice round before the opening ceremonies certainly put a damper on the celebration and remind us how dangerous some of these sports can be. And the woman’s downhill had me on the edge of my seat cringing as skiers shot out the gate on the icy terrain. It was treacherous and countless numbers of the world’s best brutally bit it as they careened off the course. And I confess, it was some of the best television I have ever seen.
Here are a few clips if you can handle it. The mood is lighted a bit because the first one isn’t in English and the second one has “I believe I can fly” in the background.
Click here for more downhill spills.
And surprise, surprise the hardworking Lindsey Vonn, whose injury earlier this week almost left her unable to compete, tearfully accepted the gold medal in the aforementioned woman’s downhill. NBC set us up for that one.
There was, however, no Jamaican bobsled team this year. I suppose that story has already been told.
And if you must know, I do have a mild Olympic crush on Shaun White. Maybe because he is fearless and rakes in more millions per year than, I am willing to bet, any other winter Olympian. Or maybe it’s because he uses words like “shred” “put down,” “pipe,” and “ride.” And I now know enough about shredding to know that he puts down wicked pipe rides and gets mad air, and while doing so he has completely reinvented the sport. He is a true pipe pioneer. And my friend on Facebook.
So enjoy the rest of the Olympics. And try to tune out Dick Button and his skating commentary with Bob Costas.
Unrelated side-note: And is Bob’s hair getting darker or is it just me? Wait for it, wait for it…
A quick Google search just proved my hypothesis.
Light a scented candle, crank up the Boyz II Men, open the Whitman’s Sampler of heart-shaped chocolates, put the carnations in a red vase and run the champagne bubble bath…it’s Valentines Day!
I heart Valentine’s Day. Not because I need an excuse to enjoy chocolate or flowers (I often treat myself to such luxuries) but shucks, I just love celebrating holidays period. And this will be the first Valentine’s Day My Man and I will spend together in the same place. Oh, the romance.
What do you even get a man for valentines day? Typical man gifts that come to mind include leather goods, monogrammed golf tees, and cologne. I think I will pass. My Man doesn’t even wear deodorant so I know cologne wouldn’t go over well. I could consider getting him some massage oils or a spray from True Pheromones or its likes…that doesn’t technically count as cologne. It’s a liquid that has these chemicals called pheromones that men (or women) might use to make them more attractive. It could be something to use for our next night in, if you know what I’m getting at. Although my man doesn’t need anything to make him more attractive to me. I already love him as he is. So maybe not this time. Anyhow, his sweat doesn’t smell. And I’m not just saying that because I love him. Ask anyone. Maybe this Old Spice commercial will make him change his mind.
However, I will say that my friend suggested I get him a custom face boxer set for his ‘underwear needs’, we’d both have a good laugh at it I think, my smiling face constantly looking up at him, no chance to stray there! (not that he ever would haha). It is going to be a laugh riot if I do give him that. Well, if I do have to go down the route of customization, I could get a custom Photo Shower Curtain for the bath (Lord knows how badly we need one!) There are a lot of routes I could opt for, so yes, customized gifts could be a good gift option in the near future! Maybe for our anniversary? Let’s see!
Nonetheless, here is what I have settled on:
Lottery tickets- scratch off and MegaMillions. The gift that could potentially keep on giving. Fingers crossed.
A car wash- I will trade cars with him for the day and hand wash and vacuum his car take his car to the pros for the DeluxeSuperPremiumWash.
His favorite desert- (recipe below) So easy and delicious and in Valentines colors.
A pantygram. Just kidding dad! But truth be told I may try to de-frump the sleeping ensemble this weekend to keep things fresh. We are newlyweds after all…
So here is the recipe for frozen berries with hot white chocolate sauce. I suggest cutting the recipe in half if you are making it for less than 10. I wouldn’t file this under the healthy dessert category, but its Valentine’s Day so let’s indulge, shall we?
Frozen Berries with Hot White Chocolate
- 1 1/4 pounds good white chocolate, coarsely chopped (not chips!)
- 2 1/2 cups heavy cream or half and half
- 2 tablespoons vanilla extract
- 2 1/4 pounds frozen mixed berries or frozen raspberries
Combine the chocolate, cream, and the vanilla in a heat-proof bowl and set it over a pan of simmering water until the chocolate melts.
About 10 minutes before serving, remove the berries from the freezer and place them on individual serving bowls. Pour a little or a lot of the warm chocolate sauce over your valentine the berries and enjoy.
Here is a pic of the ingredients as this dish won’t be made until the big day. It basically tastes like sweetened condensed milk (is there anything better!?)-only you are allowed to eat it with a spoon without judgment. It comes together really quickly and requires only four ingredients so you have plenty of time for canoodling and the whispering of sweet nothings.
Oh, gift ideas for her little ol’ me you ask? Just a sweet compliment is all I need. And a bouquet of peonies and a kind note always says “I care.” And this cute coat from Anthropologie couldn’t hurt.
Have a great Valentine’s Day!
Several musicians came together Monday to record the remake of We Are the World, originally recorded in 1985. Proceeds will benefit Haiti relief efforts.
Here is the gang in 1985
Among those recording artists who participated in the We Are The World 2010 Remake yesterday were: Celine Dion, Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Jamie Foxx, Rob Thomas, Jason Mraz, Wyclef, Pink, The Jo Bros, Sugarland, Miley, Kanye, Vince Vaughn, Tony Bennett, Kid Cudi, and Will.I.Am, the list goes on and on.
One of these things is not like the others, one of these things just doesn’t belong…
I’ll give you a hint:
Vince Vaughn? I hope he gets a solo.
Here is the 85 version for old times sake.
The video of the new “We Are the World” will premiere on February 12 during the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. Stay tuned.
I was wrong. Case #239494939. This time it was about that classic kitchen appliance, the Crock Pot.
I didn’t register for one when we got married. I never thought I would use one. Ever. Crock pots are for Midwestern apron clad housewives who utilize Velveeta in their cooking. Like this:
I was wrong.
Well, on a whim I got one at Costco for about $35. Since an Al Clad Slow Cooker can run upwards of $200, I figured that $35 dollars was a good price for the amateur crockpotista and since then my opinion has changed dramatically. I am now an avid crock pot lover. How Can Loving A Crock Pot Be Wrong? The short answer is it can’t! And for the record, it is IMPOSSIBLE to go to Costco and not buy something that wasn’t on your list. Other impulse buys include our battery operated motion activated trash can that pops the lid when you are near by. And this really warm blanket on our bed. And all the AA batteries I could ever need in a lifetime. And these delicious ice cream things they were handing out samples of. And the biggest bag of pita chips I’ve ever seen…
But I digress.
I have always thought that crock pots are for women who have nothing else to do. In reality, they are for people who HAVE stuff to do. You just put the food in the morning, cover and return 8 hours to dinner. As if by magic.
The first recipe I tried was this one of Paula Deens. Arguably the only recipe in her collection without two sticks of butter and sour cream…oh wait. Nevermind, this recipe calls for sour cream. It was so easy and so delicious.
Here is the recipe (adapted from food network original). It can also be made on the stovetop if you are not ready to take the Crock Pot leap.
Taco Soup
* 2 pounds lean ground turkey
* 2 cups diced onions
* 2 cans pinto beans
* 1 can pink kidney beans
* 1 can whole kernel corn, drained
* 2 cans Mexican-style stewed tomatoes (I like Rotel)
* 1 can diced tomatoes
* 1 can tomatoes with chilies (I like Rotel)
*1 can stewed tomatoes
* 2 (4 1/2-ounce) cans diced green chiles
* 1 (1 1/4-ounce) package taco seasoning mix
* 1 (1-ounce) package ranch salad dressing mix
Options for the top:
* Tortilla chips or corn chips
* Sour cream or plain greak yogurt—its healthier and equally delicious cousin
* Grated cheese
* Cilantro! My love.
Brown the ground turkey and onions in a large skillet; drain the excess fat, then transfer the browned beef and onions to a large slow cooker or a stockpot. Add the beans, corn, tomatoes, green chilies, taco seasoning, and ranch dressing mix, and cook in a slow cooker on low for 6 to 8 hours or simmer over low heat for about 1 hour in a pot on the stove. Top with your favorite Mexican toppers– sour cream, cheese, green onions and cilantro.
Oh the joys of cooking for two! This recipe makes enough to feed a family of ten, so we enjoyed it for dinner four out of five nights last week, and it got better and better.